
D1.1 | Literature Review

Through thematic analysis, the literature review identifies four key themes – Cultural Literacy, Intercultural Competence and Education, Cultural Literacy and Policy; the Role of Performing Arts in Education; and Social Cohesion and Inclusion. These themes highlight the role of cultural literacy in fostering intercultural understanding, particularly within educational and policy frameworks.  

Work Package Lead: JYU

D1.2 | Policy & Curriculum Analysis

The analysis focuses on the core concepts of the d@rts project: cultural literacy, social cohesion, inclusion, and performing arts education. The data consists of European, national, regional, and organisational policy documents in the seven consortium countries as well as the Council of Europe and the European Union. The analysis also focused on relevant policy frameworks produced by NGOs representing the d@rts target groups. 

Work Package Lead: JYU

D8.1 | DECP

The main objective of the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan is to effectively convey the outcomes and impact of d@rts to its target groups and all those interested in the project’s latest developments.

Work Package Lead : AEC

D8.2 | Website

The d@rts website is the main repository of all project activities, publications and reports. 

Work Package Lead: AEC

D8.3 | Communication Handbook

This Communication Toolkit offers guidance to dialoguing@rts (d@rts) representatives and partner organisations on how to enhance their abilities to communicate and engage with the public in a more efficacious manner, including instructions on the correct utilisation of the d@rts communication material.

Work Package Lead:  AEC

D9.1 | Data Management Plan v1

The DMP addresses all issues regarding the use of data within the consortium including the public release, posting, curation, and preservation of data during and after the project’s lifetime.

Work Package Lead:  Nord University